Bonus Episode: Hockey Fights Cancer Update

I’m really humbled.

Last year, I learned about the NHL’s Hockey Fights Cancer program, and I was thrilled to join them. It’s a remarkable program that raises money for the American and Canadian Cancer Societies, and was a way for me to honor the remarkable life of my grandmother Leona.

I started the season with a goal of raising $3,200 by the end of the Tour, $100 for every city in the NHL. And today, just 18 episodes into this incredible 32 episode journey, I’m extremely happy to report we’ve reached that goal. As of today (December 27, 2019), we’ve raised $3,483.

First, let me simply say to all who have contributed, THANK YOU! Thank you for helping me live a dream and for helping to honor one of my personal heroes. But more than that, thank you for your support of families fighting this terrible disease.

Second, it doesn’t end here. It just means it’s time for a greater goal! So I’m excited to announce a new fundraising goal of $5,000 by the end the Tour in 2022. I hope you will consider supporting my goal and helping us kick the crap out of cancer! For more information on my fundraiser, use this link.

And third, as a diehard Philadelphia Flyers fan, I’d like to send a special message to Oskar Lindblom. (Oskar was recently diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a form of bone cancer. He will sit out the remainder of the season as he fights.) Oskar, you’re a tough player and a tough guy and I know you’ll beat this disease. The entire hockey community is behind you; we are Oskar Strong!


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